10:55am Due to an issue with the upstream DNS provider there is currently no access to the "floorsense.nz" domain - see https://www.discountdomains.co.nz/network-status
This will impact 6 customers who use this domain to access their personal admin portal. If admin access is required today we have prepared to migrate the affected domains to the smartalock.com domain hosted by a different DNS provider - please contact [email protected] to confirm admin portal access if you normally use a *.floorsense.nz address to reach your admin portal.
For end users that normally access my.floorsense.nz for end user services please use one of the following addresses instead
These domains resolve to the same floorsense service and have identical functionality. There is no loss of any access or customer data. End user mobile app access is unaffected.
1:40pm - The issue with the upstream DNS provider has been resolved