Due to power issues at both office and colocation facility we are restoring some services to tertiary provider.
The services currently impacted are:
1) https://my.smartalock.com
Workaround - please login to https://my.floorsense.com.au which will allow access to end user web portal
Now Resolved - access to the my.smartalock.com / my.smartalock.nz / my.floorsense.nz URLs have been fixed.
2) Floorsense App
- Service has been restored however some end users may need to reset the App if getting a white screen on login or are having to login repeatedly. To reset the app follow the instructions here: https://floorsense.notion.site/Reset-the-Floorsense-App-ecf4b12a889f420681ed48e1d5ecc9df?pvs=4
- Bookings for NZ customers have been restored to a minimum of 9pm on 23 July. If there are bookings missing from earlier than this date please open ticket at [email protected]